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The Bus Stop

" help other people at all times."

The goal of the BSA (Boy Scouts of America), is to prepare youth to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetime and to achieve their full potential by teaching them life skills and instilling in them the importance of the Scout Oath and Law. An Eagle Scout is the highest rank a Boy Scout can achieve and is held with significant honor. As a part of this rank, an Eagle Scout service project is required. This project must benefit the community and be entirely run by the scout. From planning, budgeting time & money, project details, and giving leadership to others. The YES Home was chosen by Ryan Benz as an Eagle Scout Service Project Beneficiary!

The following statement is from Ryan regarding his project:

"I have 8 years of experience in Scouts, and I think scouting

is an amazing program. I am a proud member of Batesville

Troop 634. My project is to build a bus stop for the YES Home

to protect their youth from harsh weather while waiting for the

school bus. The YES Home is a very important part of our

community. They provide a nurturing environment for youth

when they need it most. With this project, the kids riding the

bus to school will no longer have to wait in bad conditions,

and will be able to stay dry in the shelter while they wait.

I hope you consider donating to the YES Home to support the

bus stop, even a small donation will help. Thank you for

helping me improve the YES home, and earning the rank

of Eagle Scout."

-Ryan Benz

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